There is no doubt that modern psychological treatment that is process-based and skills driven is able to change lives. However, there is something amiss when counseling is only helpful to us as siloed individuals. We are not able to achieve wellbeing alone, nor are we meant to. Our wellbeing is inextricably linked to that of others.
Liberation psychology provides a helpful framework for understanding how we can find personal liberation that supports collective liberation. Through critically examining power structures, cultural messaging, and oppression in all its forms, Liberation Psychology is a helpful tool that supports reclaiming a truest and best sense of identity.
At its core, Liberation Psychology is simply about increasing awareness of oppressive sociopolitical structures in a manner that engenders a vision of what liberation from oppression might look like.
More than simply an education, this awakening process is oriented toward utilizing culture, virtues, and community resources to promote action for personal and collective liberation. Each of the key principles embedded in Liberation Psychology is a critical link in the chain of this liberatory process, but higher order purpose of Liberation Psychology is always to put theory into practice (praxis)—to empower the oppressed to take action with and for liberation.
There are a lot of components to Liberation Psychology that have rich roots in the global south (particularly Latin America). Because the origins of this perspective on psychology are pointedly not in the global north, it offers valuable critique of traditional psychotherapy and insightful guidance on how psychology can be enriched by a broader range of traditions.
Of course, some are more helpful than others, but all are worthy of learning from. By combining the helpful elements from Liberation Psychology with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, we can learn to ACT for Liberation, both personally and collectively.
Reach out to experience this liberatory approach to therapy for yourself.